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While Canadian North takes great care in shipping all items entrusted with us, some items need more care than others, such as dangerous goods. It is through our extensive experience in shipping dangerous goods over the years that we at Canadian North have become the First choice for safe transport of all classes of dangerous goods.

Shipper’s Responsibility

A shipper must comply fully with the International Air Transport Association(IATA) and Transport Canada Dangerous Goods regulations when offering a consignment of dangerous goods. In addition, shippers must comply with any applicable regulations set forth by the country of origin, transit and destinations. Before any package of dangerous goods is offered for transportation by air, the shipper must comply with the following specific responsibilities:

  • International regulations must be followed to ensure safety of passengers and crew
  • The shipper must ensure that the articles or substances are not prohibited for transportation by air
  • The articles or substances must be properly identified, classified, packed, marked, labeled, documented and in the condition for transport in accordance with IATA regulations
  • Before a consignment of dangerous goods can be offered for transport, all relevant persons involved in its preparation must have received training to enable them to carry out their responsibilities.

It is the shipper’s responsibility to determine if dangerous goods are in their cargo and if so to declare them to the carrier by way of a properly completed IATA Shipper’s Declaration. Not declaring dangerous goods is a serious offence under federal law and is the shipper’s responsibility.

Every person who contravenes or fails to comply with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act is guilty of:

  • An offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for a first offence, and not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars for each subsequent offence; or
  • An indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

For further information on shipping dangerous goods or for information regarding obtaining the services of a dangerous goods consultant please contact your local Canadian North Cargo Office.

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